Sunday, April 3, 2011

Love and Unlove Chapter 1

World without her….
Have you ever thought about your life?
Is it just like this and like that??....Living in a world that just being control by parents?
Or just left alone without friends or families?
Well wake up….Listen to this story I’m telling you….It’s the most awesome things that might happen in anyone’s life.
“There was once a boy name Kennedy, he is 18 years old just graduate from school. He was always hyperactive and all. But whenever he saw that girl. He will just stood there and smile and don’t even what to do. Her name is Vincy.  He tried talking once, but he failed, he couldn’t come out with a good topic that she likes. The other thing is whenever he failed to approach to that girl he just scold himself stupid or idiot.
It was  hard for Ken to stop thinking about her, but whenever he do that he will just went bad to worse. It makes him sad. He kept it secret and just told a few of him buddies. And his friends helped him too. But he still doesn’t know what to talk about. He asked people for advise in talking but they will just say find a nice topic to talk, ask her this and that, but he was like ‘what and huh?’ It was very hard for Ken to get closer to Vincy. For Ken’s whole life he knows how to do things quick and everything. But when it comes to this he is the slowest of all.
Days gone to months, he gets a little closer to her but just a LITTLE. But whenever he sees Vincy smiling he will be more than happy just to see that smile on her face. He wanted to sit beside every time they go out.  Ken doesn’t talk much but somehow he is trying as hard as possible to get close to her.  A lot of Ken’s friends always wonder why he would like her, in Ken’s eyes what Ken sees is a pretty awesome girl with awesome personalities. He would try to impress her, or make her smile or laugh. It wasn’t easy though. She is smart and all. There was once a buddy named Truce asked him when did you start to have that feeling in you? He just answered I don’t know it just come naturally. Don’t even know what to say. Every time someone ask him that he would just smile too.

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